We have ventured away slightly from our core business of selling printed pens and promotional pencils to bring you a series of tutorials on pen spinning. Whilst we appreciate that producing a series of videos on the latest craze to hit our streets is not likely to sell any additional promotional pens we wanted to bring a bit of light hearted entertainment to your day and give you some ammunition to impress your mates with.
Pen Spinning has in fact been popular in Japan since the 1970’s, but it has only been over the last few years that this latest craze in object manipulation has really taken off across Europe. The reason for its popularity is founded in the few barriers people have to encounter to be involved in this art, if you have a pen you can try Pen Spinning. Even the most ardent of Pen Spinning artists will use a pen that can be purchased from any high street retailer (or requested as a sample from a Promotional Pen supplier), the Pen Spinner will then make modifications to ensure weight is evenly distributed across the pen.
Our resident expert Scott Menzies will be talking you through the basics of the latest craze sweeping across the globe. Have a look at Scott’s Tutorial and give the trick a try, if you have any feedback or would like some more advice on how to improve your pen spinning technique then why not leave us a comment and we will get back to you. If you mange to master the trick, why not send us a video of your attempt? We promise we won’t laugh and if we consider it to be worthy of a mention we will publish it on the site. We will back next week with a brand new trick for you to learn. Enjoy
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