I think it is safe to say that sales in general are down across most industries and I suppose our own industry is no different.
The big question is, ‘has sales of eco-friendly business gifts been affected more than general promotional items?’. Well by all accounts the recession seems to have affected sales of environmentally friendly pens and pencils disproportionately. My first reaction was to apportion this anomaly to the public sector and their current budgetary constraints but it seems the main reason that eco-friendly promotional items have taken a surprising dip is that when it comes down to it the end-user seems more concerned about saving money than the environment….or was the planet ever the real issue in their minds?
The more cynical amongst us would say that perhaps political correctness was always the driving force behind the sales of eco-friendly products as everyone tries to remain onside in the environmental debate.
Whether demand for promotional products was fuelled by tree huggers or politically correct executives in pinstripe suits it is largely irrelevant to us – all we know is that sales need to be better. Step aside please and let The Pen Warehouse work its magic…. yes you guessed it we have several recycled products that cost no more than normal promotional pens and pencils. Have a google at the Panther Eco ballpen, the Envirostick and the Recycled Plastic Pencil
We are all waiting here at PW for your orders to flood in now that you know this exciting news!
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