When you are thinking of what to spend your marketing budget on to give you the best return on your investment, what springs to mind? Do you invest in doing a mailing of your catalogue to all your clients, which can work out to be quite expensive in postage costs, or do you send out a goody bag with top sellers in it to your top 100 clients?
Well one method which has proven to be extremely successful is using pens, printed with your logo, contact details or even a promo code to get 10% off the next order placed, as everyone uses personalised pens on a daily basis and if you give them a reason to hang on to your promotional pens then they will continuously see your logo, think of your company and have your details reinforced in their memory.
Espace Frost Ball Pens are high quality frosted ball pens which have a twist action mechanism and offer an extremely generous print area on both the barrel and clip, ensuring you can make the most out of your printed pens by maximising your advertising space.
This particular range can be printed in up to 6 spot colours, pantone matched to your requirements making this range of frosted pens suitable for the majority of promotions, both large and small.
They are also very reasonable when it comes to price point, including a 1 colour print to the barrel where the price starts from 26p per unit. For such a high quality plastic pen, you can’t get much cheaper than that.
If you aren’t too sure as to what items you would like to go for, then feel free to give us a call or drop us an email and let us suggest the best items to best suit your campaign.
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