We all like to think we will leave our mark as something to be remembered by and carpenters are no exception. They leave marks everywhere, many as a reminder of that measurement they didn’t get quite right and it remains on the wood as a symbol to us all that we can’t everything right all of the time.
We all leave an unavoidable mark on our environment, just by being here and the extent of that mark is down to each one of us. We are much more enlightened about such matters these days and consequently we feel under a moral obligation to do our bit so that future generations inherit the planet in a state no-worse than we found it.
FSC wood makes a small, but important contribution to global forest sustainability and this in turn ensures that the lungs of our planet, the trees, continue their task of providing oxygen for us to breathe. We are fighting a losing battle through deforestation in the poorer countries of South America and Africa as their inhabitants try to provide for their families by creating more agricultural land. That need for survival is what drove us to cause widespread deforestation here in the West several thousand years ago so nobody can take the moral high ground when judging. A meaningful solution will only emerge when we work with countries that are involved in deforestation so that they can afford to abandon it and that is some way off as it requires the political will of our politicians. In the meantime we should strive to ensure that wherever possible we support forest sustainability and that is where The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) comes in. They are a global organisation that monitor sustainable forests and provide a chain of custody certificate to ensure FSC wood is genuinely produced from sustainable sources.
At The Pen Warehouse we have two different types of pencils made from FSC wood, conventional round FSC wooden pencils and also carpenters pencils. Why not help Carpenters leave fewer marks, particularly environmental ones by choosing FSC Carpenters pencils for your next promotion.
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