Picking up from where we left off in part 3, Lecce Pen’s new and innovative development of EcoAllene, it is clear this new material and the patented process surrounding it will shape the future direction of the company and its involvement in the promotional pen industry.
Over seven years in the making, the development of a material that uses spent drinks cartons has not only produced a finished material that is unique but also an entire production plant that is now being sold throughout the world as a turnkey solution to the problem of waste drinks cartons. Already almost twenty million Euros has been sunk into the project to not only develop the material but also a system of replicating the results. This plant is on a large-scale basis and requires significant levels of investment for each installation. A number of plants are already under construction across the world under license from Lecce Pen. The company retains its sole right to manufacture personalised pens but it seems that EcoAllene has such wide appeal for the production of a large number of consumer and industrial products that promotional pens will be a minor proportion of its applications.
The main obstacle in the production of EcoAllene was finding a method by which the aluminium component of the drinks carton could be homogenised with the polyethylene component so it could be injection moulded. This required the development of, not only large-scale plant but also specialist dies for the final moulding so that the flow characteristics of the new material could be exploited. The level of R&D required could not simply have been resourced by a single organisation as cross-platform synergy required the involvement of several previously unrelated manufacturing, scientific and political bodies to work closely together, sharing knowledge with the ultimate aim of solving a very old problem associated with one particular area of recycling – that of beverage cartons for milk, juice and numerous other similar containers.
The products that are now emerging from EcoAllene will be dealt with shortly, so keep an eye out for the next article coming very soon from The Pen Warehouse – the home of Printed Promotional pens.
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