In an Industry dominated by Plastic Pens it is refreshing to see a new age dawn with regard to metal printed pens.
Traditional promotional metal pens are made from brass and are electoplated with either nickel or chromium or they are stove enamelled (painted). This is fine but there are a number distinct limitations with this type of combination
- They tend to be expensive because of their brass composition and also electroplating produces a high level of rejects
- Laser engraved metal pens made from brass means that the resultant engraved finish is gold in appearance and does not match the silver finish of the rest of the metal pen.
- Painted brass pens are not easy to laser engrave as the coating thickness varies and consequently uniformity in surface edge definition is difficult to achieve.
- Brass based pens tend to be heavy and therefore not very universally acceptable to both genders.
Anodized aluminium pens on the other hand suffer from none of these problems. They are relative inexpensive, easily laser engraved, the engraved finish matches the silver trim and they are reasonably lightweight. They also have one other major advantage in that they come in a range of dyed finishes that is unique to the anodizing process and this brings a new dimension to their use as promotional pens particularly because of their contemporary ‘look’.
So, next time you are considering a conventional brass pen spare a thought for the new kids on the block – The Range of Anodized Aluminium Promotional Pens
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