Promotional Pens should not only be capable of carrying your message to your target audience though its large print areas but in the best-case-scenario should be talking points in themselves.
This is certainly no easy task as everything in the promotional merchandise market seems to have been done to death with many distributors resorting to churning out the same old stuff over and over again – selling on price for commodity items. The conventional sales skills I learnt as a young man in terms of customer empathy, body language, punctuality, relationship building etc are largely irrelevant in today’s internet business. You are now judged on website content, layout, speed, backlinks and the occasional slight-of-hand so that you are visible to internet traffic and the actual selling part is very-much of secondary consideration. After all if the search engines can’t find your website you have nobody to sell to. It is therefore of primary importance that you find a method of bringing traffic to your website and this article is not intended to help you do that but more about what you should do once you get an enquiry for printed pens.
Presuming you have attracted traffic by some means or other here is a short list of tips to help you maximise your chances of converting that enquiry.
– Reply immediately. Research has shown that those that respond to internet enquiries fastest will get a higher percentage of orders.
– Walk the client through the selection process, preferably by telephone.
– Recommend a promotional item that is unusual in some way that will have an intrinsic appeal. Robotic pens such as the Transformer Robotic Pen or the Reflex Robotic Pen are ideal as they are a talking point in themselves – Labour that point with your client. This approach will also give you a much better chance of earning a better margin on the sale.
– Offer a small free gift that will have appeal to the individual placing the order
– Keep in contact with your client if they do not place an order immediately
I hope this helps with your internet sales. Browse the website for a huge range of ideas to help you turn ideas into orders.
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