Like so many other debates in our industry the age-old one about whether you can call your company trade exclusive and still sell souvenirs direct to tourist attractions such as museums, theme parks etc shows no sign of dying down.
Here at The Pen Warehouse, we do not sell direct to these tourist attractions as we prefer to sell to wholesalers, who in turn sell our products on. Could we sell direct to these potential customers and still remain trade-exclusive? The simple answer is yes we could. Then why don’t we do it I hear you ask? – well it’s because we have a number of distributors that sell both business gifts and souvenirs and we believe the boundaries between the two are quite blurred at times and it could be contentious.
Why are souvenirs not considered business gifts? Simple, they are really a retail product and are not gifted, they are sold. Also, the end user is a consumer and not a business.
If there are any business gift distributors out there that also sell souvenirs then we feel we are great to partner with because there is no potential conflict of interest. As well as promotional pens we have tons of souvenir products and here are a few.
And loads, loads more. Just browse the website.
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