Looking for great quality pens to hand out at trade shows, exhibitions and large events can sometimes be difficult. You want your giveaways to be useful and you also want them at a great price so you can afford to really spread your marketing message and hand them out to everyone. We may just have what you are looking for with today’s multi-function range.
Stylo Twist Ball Pens are 2 great gifts in one offered at amazing low price. These useful twist-action personalised pens come with a black ballpoint pen at one end and a handy stylus perfect for all your touch screen devices at the other end. They come with brilliant white barrels and rubber insert grips at each end for a comfortable hold and feel. Your product or service will be seen twice as often as each different function is used so they represent incredible value for money.
Our minimum order quantity is 250 printed pens making them suitable for any event. Prices start from a low 23p each and this great price includes your logo and message printed in a single colour to the barrels. Your generous print area is 45mm x 20 and this range can only be printed in a single colour.
These promotional pens are perfect as low cost giveaways and your customer and prospects will keep them close to hand as they are so useful so your brand and message will be seen over and over again.
If you would like these incredible value gifts for your next marketing event, just give our helpful Customer Service team a call. We are waiting to hear from you and you can reach our team on: 01252 796 867
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